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Error Handling Library

Typical errors and how to fix them.

Insufficient balance

You do not have enough credits to send the SMS. Please purchase more credits or reduce the number of contacts.

Your organisation is not verified yet. Our team will be in touch soon

Please contacts us if your organisation is not verified.

Insufficient permissions

You do not have the relevant permissions to perform the action. Please contact your administrator for permissions.

Campaign not found

The campaign you are trying to access cannot be found. The campaign has been removed.

Campaign inactive

Please activate the campaign in the campaign settings.

No contacts match the campaign's distribution criteria

There are not enough contacts available in the reachability window, tags and/or segments that you have selected.

No content found. Please add content, or change the Selection method on the campaign

Please add content to your SMS content or change the Selection method. You can choose best maximise performance, first content, random copy or least sent content.

Spam detected. Please contact support

Spam was detected in your SMS content. Please contact us.

No best time with enough sends

Please send more using the "random time" feature so Dripcel can analyse your data and recommend a best time.

No start/end hours for random time

Please add a start and end time for random time.