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Dripcel offers a comprehensive suite of endpoints tailored to ensure that third-party suppliers comply with your internal marketing rules and regulations. This includes a central point for managing opt-outs, ensuring seamless and real-time data synchronization with your Dripcel contacts and consistent user experiences.

To get started, create an API key for each supplier, and set permissions on what they can and can't do, as well as which resources they can interact with.

Keeping Opt-Outs in Sync

It's important to keep your Dripcel contacts in sync with your suppliers' opt-outs. This ensures that you don't send messages to contacts who have opted out of your suppliers' campaigns, and vice versa.

Adding Opt-Outs to Dripcel

When a supplier receives an opt-out, they can notify Dripcel to opt-out the contact in a few ways.

Using the Opt-Out API

Dripcel automatically tracks opt-outs for each campaign when a contact replies with a keyword like "STOP". You can emulate this behavior using the opt-out endpoint.

POST /contacts/{cell}/optOut
// The campaign IDs to opt-out from
"campaign_ids": ["123"],
// Create the contact if they don't exist
"create_missing_contact": true

Using a Tag

You can also add a tag, then exclude that tag from campaign sends. For example, tag the opt-out contacts with a #DNC tag, then exclude that tag from your campaign. There are two approaches to this:


This endpoint only tags existing contacts. If the contact does not exist, they won't be created. For safety, an APIKey cannot create new contacts unless it has the full contact.create or contact.update permission. For the purpose of this guide, it is recommended to only add the contact.update.tag or contact.update.deduped_campaign_ids permission, depending which method you intend to use.

Pulling Opt-Outs from Dripcel

To keep your suppliers' opt-outs in sync with Dripcel, they need to pull the opt-outs from Dripcel and exclude them from their campaigns.

Using the Search API

Suppliers can pull opt-outs from Dripcel using the Contacts search endpoint. For example, to pull the cell numbers of all contacts who have the #DNC tag, and were updated in the last day:

POST /contacts/search
"find": {
"tag_ids": {
"$all": ["DNC_tag_id"]
"updatedAt": {
/** 24 hours ago */
"$gte": "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"

"projection": {
"cell": 1

Query a Campaign

Check a list of cell numbers

Using the POST /compliance/send endpoint, your suppliers can query a list of their contacts against your campaigns. The result will show which contacts are opted-out, and which they are allowed to send to.

You can use one of your existing campaigns or create a new one for this purpose. This gives you the full set of campaign targeting tools to control who can be contacted, for both you and your suppliers.