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10DLC brand registration process and best practices

  • Make sure to enter all information correctly.
  • Dependent on the country in which you have a Tax ID, enter into the Tax ID field one of the following:
    • US=EIN
    • CA=BN
    • Other=VAT
    • Select the vertical that most closely aligns with your business
    • Ensure that your website is publicly accessible. Your registration will be denied if the reviewer cannot access the site.
    • It is a hard requirement to have both a support email and phone number
      • Make sure your support email and support phone number are both active
    • Make sure that your Company name and Email/Website domains match
      • If you register the company MyBrand Inc. but then list a support email of [email protected] your registration will likely be rejected if you are considered a large enough brand that should have a dedicated email domain.

Additional company vetting for potential increased quotas

Once you have completed the initial company registration, the following quotas are assigned to your business:

  • AT&T: 1.25 Messages Per Second(MPS) or 75 Transactions Per Minute(TPM)
  • T-Mobile = 2000 messages/day

The quotas above do not mean you cannot message recipients who use other carriers; these are simply the limits published by these carriers. If the specified throughput is insufficient for your business needs, you can apply for US 10DLC brand vetting for a $40 fee.

The Campaign Registry, a third-party provider, will conduct a deeper vetting of the information you have provided and assign your company a score. This score will determine the throughput and volume allocated to you. For a detailed breakdown of the possible scores and the corresponding quotas, read here.


Vetting does not guarantee an increase in carrier throughput or daily volume. In some cases, the vetting results may actually decrease your carrier throughput and daily volume.

10DLC brand registration statuses

CreatedYour registration is created but not submitted.
SubmittedYour registration has been submitted and is awaiting review.
ReviewingYour registration has been accepted and is being reviewed.
ProvisioningYour registration has been approved and your origination identity is being created.
CompleteYour registration has been approved and and your origination identity has been created.
Requires_UpdatesYou must fix your registration and resubmit it.
ClosedThe phone number or sender ID has been deleted and you must also delete the registration for the number.
DeletedThe registration has been deleted.