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10DLC campaign registration rejection reasons

If your 10DLC campaign was rejected, use the following table to determine why it was rejected and what you can do to fix your 10DLC campaign registration. After you determine why the campaign was rejected, you can modify the existing campaign to address that issue and resubmit. For more information, see Edit your 10DLC registration.

Reason for rejection

Rejection short descriptionRejection long description
Campaign Attributes don't match the website, sample message content, or both.The campaign attributes do not align or match with the company website, sample message content, or both. Update the registration to align the campaign attributes with the company website, sample message content, or both. Campaign attributes can include company vertical, subscriber opt-in/-out, help responses, and age-gated content.


Campaigns are not automatically resubmitted when you resubmit your company registration. If you make any changes to your company information, then you must resubmit the company information. If you make any campaign changes, you must resubmit the campaign registration.
Use case and message samples are inconsistent.There are inconsistencies between the use case and messages samples provided in the campaign. Update the registration to align the use case and message samples.
Company and message samples are inconsistent or missing message samples.There are inconsistencies between the company website and message samples provided in the campaign, or the campaign was missing message samples. Update your company and campaign registration information so that the website and message samples align.


Campaigns are not automatically resubmitted when you resubmit your company registration. If you make any changes to your company information, then you must resubmit the company information. If you make any campaign changes, you must resubmit the campaign registration
Use case, message samples, or both are considered restricted or disallowed by mobile operators; prohibited content: cannabis.The use case, message samples provided, or both are considered restricted content under US Telecom regulations. If you believe that your content is falsely considered restricted, you can attempt to update your sample messages and use case, and resubmit the registration. Prohibited content: cannabis.
Use case, message samples, or both are considered restricted or disallowed by mobile operators; prohibited content: guns/ammo.The use case, message samples provided, or both are considered restricted content under US Telecom regulations. If you believe that your content is falsely considered restricted, you can attempt to update your sample messages and use case, and resubmit the registration. Prohibited content: guns/ammo.
Use case, message samples, or both are considered restricted or disallowed by mobile operators; prohibited content: SHAFT.The use case, message samples provided, or both are considered restricted content under US Telecom regulations. If you believe that your content is falsely considered restricted, you can attempt to update your sample messages and use case, and resubmit the registration. Prohibited content: SHAFT.
Use case, message samples, or both are considered restricted or disallowed by mobile operators; prohibited content: gambling.The use case, message samples provided, or both are considered restricted content under US Telecom regulations. If you believe that your content is falsely considered restricted, you can attempt to update your sample messages and use case, and resubmit the registration. Prohibited content: gambling.
Use case, message samples, or both are considered restricted or disallowed by mobile operators; prohibited content: hate.The use case, message samples provided, or both are considered restricted content under US Telecom regulations. If you believe that your content is falsely considered restricted, you can attempt to update your sample messages and use case, and resubmit the registration. Prohibited content: hate.
Use case, message samples, or both are considered restricted or disallowed by mobile operators; prohibited content: alcohol with failure to age gate.The use case, message samples provided, or both are considered restricted content under US Telecom regulations. If you believe that your content is falsely considered restricted, you can attempt to update your sample messages and use case, and resubmit the registration. Prohibited content: alcohol with failure to age gate.
Use case, message samples, or both are considered restricted or disallowed by mobile operators; prohibited content: tobacco/vape with failure to age gate.The use case, message samples provided, or both are considered restricted content under US Telecom regulations. If you believe that your content is falsely considered restricted, you can attempt to update your sample messages and use case, and resubmit the registration. Prohibited content:tobacco/vape with failure to age gate.
Use case, message samples or both are considered restricted or disallowed by mobile operators; prohibited use case: lead generation/affiliate marketing; other.The use case, message samples provided or both are considered restricted content under US Telecom regulations. If you believe that your content is falsely considered restricted, you can attempt to update your sample messages and use case, and resubmit the registration. Prohibited use case: lead generation/affiliate marketing; other.
Use case, message samples or both are considered restricted or disallowed by mobile operators; prohibited use case: lead generation/affiliate marketing; high risk financial.The use case, message samples provided or both are considered restricted content under US Telecom regulations. If you believe that your content is falsely considered restricted, you can attempt to update your sample messages and use case, and resubmit the registration. Prohibited use case: lead generation/affiliate marketing; high risk financial.
ISV/Reseller. Company information and service information/message samples mismatch.The company and campaign information do not match and is identified as an independent software vendor (ISV) or reseller. Register the company information that matches the service and end user. Create a new campaign that has service information aligned with company information.
Campaign appears to be Direct Lending Arrangement but appropriate Content Attribute was not selected.The company and campaign details submitted appear to be direct lending arrangement. Edit your campaign and mark "Yes" for Direct Lending Arrangement attribute and resubmit.
Unofficial email domain for what appears to be large company that would have an official domain.The email domain provided does not appear to be official given the company information submitted with the registration. Update the registration with an official email address that matches domain of the company and resubmit.


Campaigns are not automatically resubmitted when you resubmit your company registration. If you make any changes to your company information, then you must resubmit the company information. If you make any campaign changes, you must resubmit the campaign registration.
Opt-in process not compliant or opt-in isn't explicit.The opt-in workflow that you have provided is either insufficient, non-compliant, or not explicit for end users to receive specific SMS messages. A compliant opt-in process will clearly specify how your recipient is able to provide their explicit consent to receive SMS messages. Some common rejection reasons: missing explicit language around SMS opt-in consent, mismatch between provided company name and message samples, receiving a text message can't be required to sign up for service, or SMS opt-in consent can't be included in the Terms of Service.
Website not provided or not working.The company information did not include a website or the website was inaccessible. Update your company information with an accessible website and resubmit both your company and campaign for review.


Campaigns are not automatically resubmitted when you resubmit your company registration. If you make any changes to your company information, then you must resubmit the company information. If you make any campaign changes you must resubmit the campaign registration.

If you are not based in the United States and your 10DLC brand registration fails you should:

  1. Apply for 10DLC brand vetting, as this is a manual review of your 10DLC brand.
  2. If vetting fails then follow the directions below to submit a support ticket via Dripcel.