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10DLC campaigns registration process and best practices

Campaign Description

  • Clearly outline the campaign's objectives and describe the interactions the end-user will experience after opting in. Ensure you identify the sender, the recipient, and the reason the messages are being sent to the intended recipient.

Example: One-Time Password messages are sent by Company X to its customers for purposes of authentication to log into our application.

Opt-In Workflow

  • The primary purpose of the opt-in workflow is to ensure that the end user explicitly consents to receive text messages and understands the nature of the program. Your application is being reviewed by a third-party reviewer, so it is crucial to provide clear and thorough information about how your end-users opt-in to your SMS service and any associated fees or charges. If the reviewer cannot determine how your opt-in process works, your application will be denied and returned. Click here to read more about the opt-in workflow.
  • The opt-in workflow should ideally be accessible to a third-party reviewer. If your opt-in process requires a login, is not yet publicly available, is a verbal opt-in, or occurs through printed sources such as flyers and paper forms, ensure to thoroughly document how the end-user completes this process to receive messages. Provide a screenshot of the call to action in such cases. Host the screenshot on a publicly accessible website (like OneDrive or Google Drive) and provide the URL.
  • The description must be a minimum of 40 characters and include the following:
    • Program (brand) name
    • Link to a publicly accessible Terms & Conditions page
    • Link to a publicly accessible Privacy Policy page
    • Message frequency disclosure.
    • Customer care contact information
    • Opt-out information
    • “Message and data rates may apply” disclosure.


The content of your messages must align with the Campaign Vertical and Use Case you select below. If they are misaligned, your registration will be denied. You cannot change the message type on a campaign after it has been approved.

Use case

Dripcel supports all standard use cases available for 10DLC messaging and one special use case for communications from non-religious registered 501(c)(3) charities. This special use case is intended for charities focused on providing help and raising money for those in need. For a more detailed listing of the campaign use cases supported visit this page.

Best Practices for Campaign Use Case

  • All of the information that you provide during this process needs to align with this selection or your registration will be rejected
  • Make sure to ONLY select a Sub use case if you select a use case of MIXED or LOW_VOLUME

The “Low Volume” and “Mixed” campaigns have lower quotas which are the same as a company that does not opt for the increased vetting detailed above:

  • AT&T: 1.25 Messages Per Second(MPS) or 75 Transactions Per Minute(TPM)
  • T-Mobile = 2000 messages/day
  • Subscriber opt-in
    • Subscriber opt-in is automatically set to “Yes” on your behalf. Explicit opt-in is required of all end-users regardless of your use case.
  • Subscriber opt-out
  • You are required by carriers to opt-out end users at their request. This is generally done through the opt-out keyword ‘STOP’. Dripcel handles opt-outs automatically.
  • Subscriber Help
    • Carriers require that your SMS numbers reply to the ‘HELP’ keyword or similar at all times regardless of the numbers opt-in status.
  • Direct Lending or Loan Arrangement
    • If you are a 1st party lender you can get approval for transactional use cases (loan transaction receipts, OTPs, etc.). If your company is related to the lending business then you must mark this as “yes“
  • Embedded Link
    • If you have supplied messaging examples with an embedded link you must mark this as a “yes.” If this is misaligned with your content then your registration will be rejected

Make sure that any links in your sample messages are branded and consistent with your domain

  • Embedded Phone Number
    • If you have supplied messaging examples with an embedded phone number you must mark this as a “yes.” If this is misaligned with your content then your registration will be rejected
  • Age-Gated Content
    • There is a potential to be rejected or for the campaign to be suspended later if your content includes age gated material and you do not mark “yes” here
    • If they are do they need to do anything different here?

Message Samples

Sample messages should reflect the actual messages to be sent under the campaign you are registering for. It is critical to ensure consistency between the use case, your campaign description, and the content of the messages.

Best Practices for Sample Messages

  • Sample messages should represent the actual messages that will be sent under the campaign.
  • Indicate any variable templated fields with brackets and clearly specify what information will be replaced.

Example: Hi, [FirstName] this is MyBrand inc. letting you know that your delivery is ready

  • Each sample message must be at least 20 characters long. If you plan to use multiple message templates for this 10DLC campaign, include them too.
  • Sample messages should identify the sender by including the brand name.
    • Ensure that at least one sample message includes your business name
  • Include opt-out language to at least 1 sample message

Example: You are unsubscribed from MyBrand Account Alerts. No more messages will be sent. Reply HELP for help or call 888-555-5522.

  • Make sure your messaging does not involve prohibited content such as cannabis, hate speech, etc. and that your use case is compliant with Dripcel Messaging Policy

What to do if your 10DLC campaigns are rejected?

If your Company registration or Campaign registration is rejected please follow the steps here.

10DLC brand registration statuses

CreatedYour registration is created but not submitted.
SubmittedYour registration has been submitted and is awaiting review.
ReviewingYour registration has been accepted and is being reviewed.
ProvisioningYour registration has been approved and your origination identity is being created.
CompleteYour registration has been approved and and your origination identity has been created.
Requires_UpdatesYou must fix your registration and resubmit it.
ClosedThe phone number or sender ID has been deleted and you must also delete the registration for the number.
DeletedThe registration has been deleted.