Dripcel redefines micro-segmentation by harnessing the power of your custom fields to deliver actionable insights. By analyzing opt-in rates across different field values, our platform provides smart, data-driven suggestions for building highly targeted micro-segments. These micro-segments allow you to focus on the most promising leads, ensuring that your marketing strategies are deeply refined for maximum engagement and impact.
Use these data-driven micro-segments to craft more effective campaigns, personalize your messaging, and drive conversions by targeting the individuals most likely to connect with your brand.
How to build your micro-segment
1. Navigate to Micro-segments
Start by accessing the Micro-segments section, where you'll find a list of your campaigns.
2. View recommended micro-segment
Click the drop-down arrow next to a campaign to view the recommended micro-segment. Here you'll see the projected improvements. For example, adding "Date of Birth" to your segment could lead to a projected 75% increase in campaign effectiveness.

3. Build your segment
Click the "Build segment from selected" button to view a summary of the micro-segment's conditions. You can easily add or remove criteria to tailor it further.
4. Finalize and apply
Once you're satisfied with the setup, give your segment a name and click "Create Segment." This new micro-segment will be applied to the campaign, allowing you to capitalize on the insights from your custom data.